
Cant find a word....so he makes one B-D

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Scarlet Letter Chapters 2 and 3

The Scarlet Letter

The Market Place-Chapter 2
After having to stand a horrid two pages of reading the worst first chapter in the history of chapters, I was actually intrigued. Although I honestly had to read page 47 about two times over I was able to comprehend it. Probably the most significant part to this whole book, we finally meet our key character Hester Prynne to be exact !!! While reading the first half of the chapter, I developed the assumption that Hester may be very nasty and skimpy. Especially on page 49 paragraph two how the women use the words "malefactresses" indicating her violation of the law and referring to her as "this hussy". Also the significance of the embroidered letter "A" on Prynne's chest in which the crowd does not seem to stop elaborating about. Also as a side not, I actually learn that it stands for adultery and NOW I see how it connects to Easy A lol. But when we are introduced to Hester, she is the total opposite. She is almost as awesome as me ! B-) Like me obviously, she is beautiful and courageous (Still not as much as me though).  As the "Goodwives" mock and continuously try to break her down, she brushes that "dirtoff her shoulder (Jay Z reference ;-)". Actually, she really begins smiling in their faces and lets those "haters be her motivators #swagg". When making her way to the scaffold I actually began to feel for Hester. Having to be placed on the scaffold with this illegitimate child had to be devastating. Especially for a young women back in "Puritan Boston" where religion was the law.

Chapter 3
In Chapter 3 we meet the rest of the gang! When reading, I was kind of creeped out by the stranger; being described as having one shoulder lower than the other otherwise his deformity, very minute in size, and being dressed in civllian/native articles of clothing. Later we obviously learn that this is the one and only Roger Chillingsworth. The interaction otherwise body language that went on between him and Hester allowed me to jump to the conclusion that he was the "second sinner". Yet, I was wrong! (Since when am I wrong? #Slackinnn) As Hawthorne describes what goes on between the two as far as Hester's petrified look and his signal to her for her to stay quiet, we eventually learn they know each other very well and recognize each other. Soon we also meet Reverend Wilson, Governor Bellingham, and Reverend Dimmesdale (Fairly Odd-Parents xD). When attempting to interrogate Hester,  I wanted think he was being a P***k yet I had to keep in mind it was his job. Plus he was appointed to demand the name by the other men. But he eventually showed his calm side when he did not further "press" Hester for the name. In which I believe shows his soft side/understanding for a young woman like Hester. In this book, I am already assuming Dimmesdale will be the key for Hester and her baby that are stuck in this predicament and that his mindset is very very very very very different from those in on this trial.


  1. I think I never smh any blog in my life apart from this one LOL. Totally agree with your opinion of chapter one, honestly that chapter cold have been added to the second and have the rosebush detailed appear before Hester walks out of prison. What do you mean though by Dimmesdale being the key for Hester and her baby? If by key you mean Dimmesdale is the guy Hester had the affair with then that might be a possibility since stuff like that goes in the growing suspense thing in stories, especially in movies.

  2. Paul, like you, this was a great blog! Funny and engaging and yet still related to the text. Keep up the great work! (and sorry about the beginning - it is not the easiest to read, but the novel gets easier after that!)

  3. I totally agree with the opinion on chapter one I think you brought up a good point when you said that they stopped pushing her to tell them who the baby's father was and that they were showing a softer/calmer and more understanding side for Hester. They might even begin to show more of that side later on in the story.

  4. This was a really good and funny post. Prior to meeting Hester, I didn't really think that much of her or her characteristics. But I have to agree with you on how she took the situation really well. The entire town was gossiping about her but she didn't let it show, she just "brushed that dirt off her shoulder." She obviously doesn't care of what the town thinks.

  5. Lol I cant with you Paul. I love the fact that she brushed off her shoulders (Jay Z reference) yours to me has been the best blog but yeah like I feel bad because she's standing in this all alone and not only that but she now has a baby that's depending on her. She's strong for that. So she had no choice but to have swag and let her haters be her motivators!

  6. Lol I knew I recognized the name "Dimmesdale". Also, like you, I had an issue with understanding the style of writing, so I had to keep rereading pages.
    Aside from that, I'm sort of confused by your saying that Dimmesdale (lol) will be the "key" for Hester's storyline. Are you implying he might be a part of the scandal, or do you think he will be one of those anti-hero types of characters?

  7. Lol at hashtag swag. I agree with you about the introduction. It brought some yawns. What is p***k? I share your opinion that Dimmesdale will play a major role in Hester and her child's life as the story unfolds. I look forward to the upcoming chapters to see how the relationship between them will play out.

  8. What does #G.O.A.T mean? I am so serious. That's the only reason I decided to comment on your blog. Somebody tell me so I don't have to break out urban dictionary. Confusion aside, I like your blog entry because of the way you frequently reference the book. It's obvious that you at least read the book and can hold a decent discussion about it.

  9. Wow Paul, this might just be the best blog ever. I was laughing for a good five minutes because of the picture at the top of your blog. Anyway, I really agree with your opinion on chapter one. I feel that Hester is a really nice girl and she is just misunderstood. Keep up the good work. #swaggyswag
