
Cant find a word....so he makes one B-D

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Scarlett Johanson....ughh I mean Letter mah B!!!! :Chapters 7 and 8

Chapter 7: This chapter was not very significant as far as a story line. YETTTT!!!!, it was very symbolic of many things and helped me get a better understanding of Pearl. Also pretty funny to me xD. Anyways we join Hester and Pearl to a little journey to Governor  Bellingham's MARVELOUS (British Accent) Mansion -.- ..... While delivering the gloves she made, she mainly goes to obtain more details about these little "SCANDALOUS" (creeper voice) rumours amongst the town gossip who claim Pearl will be taken away.  Reason being that Pearl is a lil demon baby ORRRRR that she is human and her mom is irresponsible therefore she should go to a better family. PAUL'S RULING (one that matters the most B-D ): Personally I like Hester Prynne. Although she can be really weird and awkward at times, she is mostly strong, thorough, and very open minded ex: when she accepts what she did was "wrong" and takes her punishments.  To evaluate the situation, she committed adultery not because she is S/One Hockey Stick/U/ T (free cookie if you figure that out ;-3) but because her husband had been away for a longtime and desperation got the best of her. Other than that we should all realize she is a great woman! WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY MAIN POINT: Pearl should not be taken away because there are many qualities and experiences in which Hester can teach her about. Also, I believe it is mainly the townspeople who happen to influence Pearl's actions. Not really important but it also backs up my statement in this sense ...LOL on the way there Pearl scares away the kids who fling mud at her and her mom. If we actually analyze the kids and the way they were treating Hester and Pearl, I think it defeats the purpose of gossip when saying give Pearl to a better family.

Armor in Bellingham's sweet Man Cave B-) = I thought it actually served as accolade in crediting Bellingham that he does what is best for the town not just doing stuff to be a donkey hole.

Pearl's little tunic= Crimson just like the Scarlet Letter signifies that motherly bond  and/or the actual result of the Scarlet Letter . I also saw it as a relation to satan because he is apparently red -.-  . (works in two ways I guess)

The Dead Garden= Totally equals Bellingham's terrible farming skills duhh. Yet it has the rosebush which amazes  Pearl  and is still crazy to me! I CANT FIGURE OUT WHY ITS HERE !!!

Chapter 8: MORE MEAT LESS BONES!!!! I was actually able to read the chapter and understand it rather than have to pick at it for little details. I really can't explain Dimmesdale ! Everyone else yeah there a bunch of D Bags and Dimmesdale kind puts the D in D- Bag (lame pun ;-(  ) but everyone expected that from them. The way they treat Pearl and tease her is pretty messed up and it seems they dont even take into consideration her age and lifestyle. We also see Hester Prynne detest the fact that they take away Pearl and instead uses reasoning in order to show the pros of keeping her (*Backs up my chapter 7 argument that Prynne is strong, smart and that she has alot to teach).  BACK TO DIMMESDALE :Timmy is an average kid/That no-one understands/Mom and dad and Vicky/Always giving him commands/Vicky:Bed twerp!! (hehehe wrong Dimmesdale) Anyway he is a total butthole in the beginning of this chapter by mocking Pearl yet he comes to the recue AGAIN like he did in earlier chapters and says that Pearl is a gift from  God ,in which I see her as the "Honest Truth" for Hester's life. Finally Wilson and Bellingham agree to let Prynne keep the child ( Like I said #Bo$$ B-) ) and continue the hunt fo tha babehh fadduhh. KEY CONNECTION: I found it extremely odd how lil P (Pearl) touched Dimmesdale's face like he was the  FATHER FIGURE O.O MAYBE?!?!?..... nahhhhh BUT WHAT IF???? And I found it pretty funny how she sassed and pushed away Wilson teehee.  OHHHH almost forgot, Mistress Hobbins? Weird creepy Witch lady (sister of Bellingham) who I didnt really think about till now, she contradicts her brothers actions haha! 

Conclusion: WEIRD 2 CHAPTERS !!!!!


  1. I didn't partially like chapter 7 either, but I do agree with you that it did have some good key points. I really liked the symbols you pointed out. I did't really understand why the rosebushes were there either. Last, I defiantly agree with the characteristics you gave Hester.

  2. Is it weird that I san hear your voice in my head while I read this o.O
    I liked the way you separated the symbols from the actual text. I also liked how you described Hester. Besides the fact that she committed adultery, you have to give her some credit because she really is a good mom to Pearl.

  3. Haha I really enjoyed reading your post! It was pretty funny and enlightening all at the same time! I like how you interpreted the symbols and explained them. I hadn't picked up on all the symbols really so bravo! And you MUST show me how to do that little white strip thingy! How'd you do it??

  4. Very entertaining Paul. Good comments.
