
Cant find a word....so he makes one B-D

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chapters 5 and 6: Scarlett Letter

Chapter 5: Having read this chapter it would obviously leave the average reader depressed ;'(....But Im beyond average B-) ! Although this chapter like the first left a very grey mood and doubted Prynne's character in chapters 2 and 3, I was able to pick out and look at the positive. BUT lets look at the bad.  The strong woman that Prynne seems to be is shown weak when she has this false moment wishing she can be WIFF HUR BABY DADDY !!! But on the bright side she did manage to reach back into this strong woman persona and used logic that she could never be with him.  Now this next part, I did not have a stand on. She ended up staying in order to repent or give a punishment to herself for what she did. This part gave me 2 different point of views. The first was that she is a religious woman and that if you know you're wrong, then you are sinning. In that sense, her staying was the right choice. The second point of view I got was that she was brainwashed by all of these gossipers and townsmen. Instead of once again displaying this strong women persona and staying because of what she did was right, she bowed down to the all of the townspeople who hated her actions. Furthermore she gets down to their level by making herself a martyr which in a sense of punishment is very extreme. Also I learned that in this chapter the people seem to be just "as bad" as Hester through the constant name calls and gossip ANNNNDDDD allowing her to keep her job which I thought she would be condemned from ! awkwardddd

Chapter 6: PEARL!!! So nowwww I know who Mr. Krabs' counterpart was!!! lol jk.  Pearl is the TOTAL opposite of the Spongebob Pearl. She is apparently beautiful, graceful, moody, passionate in a sense, but very full of EVIL!!! (Mermaid Man Voice xD) Pearl as seen commits alot of mischief. To me, she is just as confusing as the literature in this book. Yet, in a way I can see that the mischief is what allows her to get rid of her stress. Although it may be underestimated, Pearl is very smart. She knows she an outcast and spending most of her time with her mom, she is very much like her. She is also very interested with the scarlet letter at such a young age. Personally, I do feel bad for Pearl  yet at the same time her actions are still bad. Prynne should woMAN up and keep that child in check. if Pear is her....TREASURE ...That is whatchu are!(Bruno Mars moment) she should know what to do in order to help her child avoid the life she currently livesOr better yet, gain better knowledge and worl harder and harder to help control this wild child!!  I can see Pearl's potential and it shows me that she has the chance to either grow up and lead a life as her mom did or become a significant figure in this Puritan Community, but in a good way that would please her own standards.  

THE WAY I PERCEIVE PEARL: https://www.google.com/search?q=funny+scarlet+letter+pearl+pics&espv=210&es_sm=91&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eYaKUsTuD4umsQTyu4HICQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1422&bih=682&dpr=0.9#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=BiWTckjBU5uPDM%3A%3BUCuaZW5aukUfUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimg.sparknotes.com%252Fcontent%252Fsparklife%252Fsparktalk%252Fthisisthegirlok_Large.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcommunity.sparknotes.com%252F2010%252F12%252F06%252Fblogging-the-scarlet-letter-part-5%3B406%3B304


  1. Cute pic but that was a link to Sparknotes right? You are reading the book and not just Sparknotes right? ;)

    On a more serious note, do you think that Pearl is really "evil"? Should she be punished for her parents's sins?

    1. LOLOLOL WOW !!! THAT MAKES ME LOOK SOO BAD!!! I swear i just typed in either "Evil Baby" or " funny scarlet letter Pearl pics" one or the other IRONICALLY its from sparknotes haha omg NO I DIDNT USE SPARKNOTES !! xD

    2. I don't think Pearl is evil she is just a spontaneous child, she is too young to be fully held responsible to my standards. And the point I was trying to make was that she should be "punished" by her mom or be taught PROPERLY by her mom not punished by the towns people. Hence me saying that Hester has to get a better hold of her daughter. B-/

    3. Paul, I don't really think you used SparkNotes. I like your ideas about Hester's parenting style. Do you think she is more lenient with Pearl because she has noone else and doesn't want to alienate Pear? Or perhaps she knows that Pearl's life is going to be particularly difficult anyways, so she is lenient?

  2. Ah, I see you Paulie! I like the pictures and I especially like your comparison with Pearl from SpongeBob, and I enjoy your lively talks about Baby Daddies and those other things!! XD
    But Im not so sure about the word "Evil," Paulie. :3
    Sure she's mischievous, but evil? I dunno Paulie~

  3. Your blogs are always so funny, they keep me interested and entertained. I completely agree with your ideas about why she chose to stay in New England. I don't think Pearl is evil, I think she is misunderstood and she acts out because she knows she is different even though she is very young. She is looking for attention and answers.

  4. I also do not think evil is the right word... But I do think that Hester is not disciplining Pearl at all. This might be because Hester believes Pearl is a sign of her sin that she must carry, like the A. She thinks that Pearl will at some point be her down fall, and that God is punishing her through Pearl. I think Hester does not correct Pearl because she believes that anything Pearl does is God's will on her. So basically Pearl would be a bad child because that is what God wants, and Hester, like many other people in that time, will not challenge God.

  5. Good job Paul. Another great entry for your blog. I don't really feel that Pearl is an evil child though. Being that she is so young, she doesn't know right from wrong and is acting out. I feel like that is her way of searching for answers because in this whole situation, she is very confused.

  6. Lol are you suggesting that Mr. Krabs's Pearl is not beautiful and graceful?
    I feel like the mindset of the Puritans might be a setback to any chance of an overall positive outcome in Pearl's life. However, as a writer, Hawthorne has the ability to make any path possible, so we'll just have to see.

  7. paul always has me laughing with his blogs but I do very much agree on one thing I do believe that the townspeople and everyone else did brainwash her but Hester is wrong for acting the way she acts towards pearl. my thoughts on Hester is starting to shift
