
Cant find a word....so he makes one B-D

Saturday, November 30, 2013

WHAT DID I TELL YALL !!!! #ohhkillem

YAAASSSSS I WAS RIIIGGHHTTTT!!!!!!! I knew that Dimmesdale had a major role !!!!!! HAHAAAA He THOUGHT!!! This man ain't low!! HAAAAhaaaaaa.....I can now see why we are made to read this in school and how it fits in with every other story I've read; IT WAS SOOO WACK!! To me it was just your basic love story that makes everyone have to reread the english and in the end upsets you because of how basic it was *cough cough* Shakespeares Stories.

Toward the end, we witness a lot of Pearl and not much Hester. By this I mean, we see Pearl actually develop throughout the story from 0 to hero (kind of/not really)!!!  In the beginning Pearl is an "evil baby monster"= Just being a kid yet kind of wild. She then grows a  bit but atleast exponentially. Yet, it may have come off as mean how she only recognized her mom when the Scarlet Letter is in place. As we know the Scarlet Letter upset Hester and denounces her soul/character and Pearl seems to show love for it with a kiss. She also pushed away Dimmesdale and rubbed of off the kiss he bestowed on her. But in Pearl's defense you shouldn't expect love or praise from a child who has no clue on who the minister really is. Luckily we see that change in the end! =3 yet as we read that doesnt even matter! ^.^

And that man Chillingworth WHEW!!! Reminds me of Liam Neeson:


That man holds grudges for daayyysssss. Then again he does have a very valid reason.  Reverend Dimmesdale just took your girl, had your baby, and now you treat him back to health!?!?! PSHHHT FUDDGEE THAT !!!! I was expecting him to expose him the second he found that letter although they didn't reveal it in that chapter -.-. Or possibly just kill him a lot earlier instead of allowing frkn Nathaniel Hawthorne write this "mASSter piece of literature"

What really pushed me over the limit was truly the ending!! Pearl goes through this whole little coming of age crap and begins to love Dimmesdale! Although I must admit he gives an electrifying sermon, he dies really !!!??? He gose to the scaffold, rips his shirt off showing his letter and then just dies !!??? Drops to the floor the end !!!??? PURE WASTE OF TIME AND TOTAL RUBBISH THIS BOOK WAS!!!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Scarlett Johanson....ughh I mean Letter mah B!!!! :Chapters 7 and 8

Chapter 7: This chapter was not very significant as far as a story line. YETTTT!!!!, it was very symbolic of many things and helped me get a better understanding of Pearl. Also pretty funny to me xD. Anyways we join Hester and Pearl to a little journey to Governor  Bellingham's MARVELOUS (British Accent) Mansion -.- ..... While delivering the gloves she made, she mainly goes to obtain more details about these little "SCANDALOUS" (creeper voice) rumours amongst the town gossip who claim Pearl will be taken away.  Reason being that Pearl is a lil demon baby ORRRRR that she is human and her mom is irresponsible therefore she should go to a better family. PAUL'S RULING (one that matters the most B-D ): Personally I like Hester Prynne. Although she can be really weird and awkward at times, she is mostly strong, thorough, and very open minded ex: when she accepts what she did was "wrong" and takes her punishments.  To evaluate the situation, she committed adultery not because she is S/One Hockey Stick/U/ T (free cookie if you figure that out ;-3) but because her husband had been away for a longtime and desperation got the best of her. Other than that we should all realize she is a great woman! WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY MAIN POINT: Pearl should not be taken away because there are many qualities and experiences in which Hester can teach her about. Also, I believe it is mainly the townspeople who happen to influence Pearl's actions. Not really important but it also backs up my statement in this sense ...LOL on the way there Pearl scares away the kids who fling mud at her and her mom. If we actually analyze the kids and the way they were treating Hester and Pearl, I think it defeats the purpose of gossip when saying give Pearl to a better family.

Armor in Bellingham's sweet Man Cave B-) = I thought it actually served as accolade in crediting Bellingham that he does what is best for the town not just doing stuff to be a donkey hole.

Pearl's little tunic= Crimson just like the Scarlet Letter signifies that motherly bond  and/or the actual result of the Scarlet Letter . I also saw it as a relation to satan because he is apparently red -.-  . (works in two ways I guess)

The Dead Garden= Totally equals Bellingham's terrible farming skills duhh. Yet it has the rosebush which amazes  Pearl  and is still crazy to me! I CANT FIGURE OUT WHY ITS HERE !!!

Chapter 8: MORE MEAT LESS BONES!!!! I was actually able to read the chapter and understand it rather than have to pick at it for little details. I really can't explain Dimmesdale ! Everyone else yeah there a bunch of D Bags and Dimmesdale kind puts the D in D- Bag (lame pun ;-(  ) but everyone expected that from them. The way they treat Pearl and tease her is pretty messed up and it seems they dont even take into consideration her age and lifestyle. We also see Hester Prynne detest the fact that they take away Pearl and instead uses reasoning in order to show the pros of keeping her (*Backs up my chapter 7 argument that Prynne is strong, smart and that she has alot to teach).  BACK TO DIMMESDALE :Timmy is an average kid/That no-one understands/Mom and dad and Vicky/Always giving him commands/Vicky:Bed twerp!! (hehehe wrong Dimmesdale) Anyway he is a total butthole in the beginning of this chapter by mocking Pearl yet he comes to the recue AGAIN like he did in earlier chapters and says that Pearl is a gift from  God ,in which I see her as the "Honest Truth" for Hester's life. Finally Wilson and Bellingham agree to let Prynne keep the child ( Like I said #Bo$$ B-) ) and continue the hunt fo tha babehh fadduhh. KEY CONNECTION: I found it extremely odd how lil P (Pearl) touched Dimmesdale's face like he was the  FATHER FIGURE O.O MAYBE?!?!?..... nahhhhh BUT WHAT IF???? And I found it pretty funny how she sassed and pushed away Wilson teehee.  OHHHH almost forgot, Mistress Hobbins? Weird creepy Witch lady (sister of Bellingham) who I didnt really think about till now, she contradicts her brothers actions haha! 

Conclusion: WEIRD 2 CHAPTERS !!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chapters 5 and 6: Scarlett Letter

Chapter 5: Having read this chapter it would obviously leave the average reader depressed ;'(....But Im beyond average B-) ! Although this chapter like the first left a very grey mood and doubted Prynne's character in chapters 2 and 3, I was able to pick out and look at the positive. BUT lets look at the bad.  The strong woman that Prynne seems to be is shown weak when she has this false moment wishing she can be WIFF HUR BABY DADDY !!! But on the bright side she did manage to reach back into this strong woman persona and used logic that she could never be with him.  Now this next part, I did not have a stand on. She ended up staying in order to repent or give a punishment to herself for what she did. This part gave me 2 different point of views. The first was that she is a religious woman and that if you know you're wrong, then you are sinning. In that sense, her staying was the right choice. The second point of view I got was that she was brainwashed by all of these gossipers and townsmen. Instead of once again displaying this strong women persona and staying because of what she did was right, she bowed down to the all of the townspeople who hated her actions. Furthermore she gets down to their level by making herself a martyr which in a sense of punishment is very extreme. Also I learned that in this chapter the people seem to be just "as bad" as Hester through the constant name calls and gossip ANNNNDDDD allowing her to keep her job which I thought she would be condemned from ! awkwardddd

Chapter 6: PEARL!!! So nowwww I know who Mr. Krabs' counterpart was!!! lol jk.  Pearl is the TOTAL opposite of the Spongebob Pearl. She is apparently beautiful, graceful, moody, passionate in a sense, but very full of EVIL!!! (Mermaid Man Voice xD) Pearl as seen commits alot of mischief. To me, she is just as confusing as the literature in this book. Yet, in a way I can see that the mischief is what allows her to get rid of her stress. Although it may be underestimated, Pearl is very smart. She knows she an outcast and spending most of her time with her mom, she is very much like her. She is also very interested with the scarlet letter at such a young age. Personally, I do feel bad for Pearl  yet at the same time her actions are still bad. Prynne should woMAN up and keep that child in check. if Pear is her....TREASURE ...That is whatchu are!(Bruno Mars moment) she should know what to do in order to help her child avoid the life she currently livesOr better yet, gain better knowledge and worl harder and harder to help control this wild child!!  I can see Pearl's potential and it shows me that she has the chance to either grow up and lead a life as her mom did or become a significant figure in this Puritan Community, but in a good way that would please her own standards.  

THE WAY I PERCEIVE PEARL: https://www.google.com/search?q=funny+scarlet+letter+pearl+pics&espv=210&es_sm=91&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eYaKUsTuD4umsQTyu4HICQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1422&bih=682&dpr=0.9#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=BiWTckjBU5uPDM%3A%3BUCuaZW5aukUfUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimg.sparknotes.com%252Fcontent%252Fsparklife%252Fsparktalk%252Fthisisthegirlok_Large.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcommunity.sparknotes.com%252F2010%252F12%252F06%252Fblogging-the-scarlet-letter-part-5%3B406%3B304

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Scarlet Letter Chapters 2 and 3

The Scarlet Letter

The Market Place-Chapter 2
After having to stand a horrid two pages of reading the worst first chapter in the history of chapters, I was actually intrigued. Although I honestly had to read page 47 about two times over I was able to comprehend it. Probably the most significant part to this whole book, we finally meet our key character Hester Prynne to be exact !!! While reading the first half of the chapter, I developed the assumption that Hester may be very nasty and skimpy. Especially on page 49 paragraph two how the women use the words "malefactresses" indicating her violation of the law and referring to her as "this hussy". Also the significance of the embroidered letter "A" on Prynne's chest in which the crowd does not seem to stop elaborating about. Also as a side not, I actually learn that it stands for adultery and NOW I see how it connects to Easy A lol. But when we are introduced to Hester, she is the total opposite. She is almost as awesome as me ! B-) Like me obviously, she is beautiful and courageous (Still not as much as me though).  As the "Goodwives" mock and continuously try to break her down, she brushes that "dirtoff her shoulder (Jay Z reference ;-)". Actually, she really begins smiling in their faces and lets those "haters be her motivators #swagg". When making her way to the scaffold I actually began to feel for Hester. Having to be placed on the scaffold with this illegitimate child had to be devastating. Especially for a young women back in "Puritan Boston" where religion was the law.

Chapter 3
In Chapter 3 we meet the rest of the gang! When reading, I was kind of creeped out by the stranger; being described as having one shoulder lower than the other otherwise his deformity, very minute in size, and being dressed in civllian/native articles of clothing. Later we obviously learn that this is the one and only Roger Chillingsworth. The interaction otherwise body language that went on between him and Hester allowed me to jump to the conclusion that he was the "second sinner". Yet, I was wrong! (Since when am I wrong? #Slackinnn) As Hawthorne describes what goes on between the two as far as Hester's petrified look and his signal to her for her to stay quiet, we eventually learn they know each other very well and recognize each other. Soon we also meet Reverend Wilson, Governor Bellingham, and Reverend Dimmesdale (Fairly Odd-Parents xD). When attempting to interrogate Hester,  I wanted think he was being a P***k yet I had to keep in mind it was his job. Plus he was appointed to demand the name by the other men. But he eventually showed his calm side when he did not further "press" Hester for the name. In which I believe shows his soft side/understanding for a young woman like Hester. In this book, I am already assuming Dimmesdale will be the key for Hester and her baby that are stuck in this predicament and that his mindset is very very very very very different from those in on this trial.